You can actually use vacations as great learning opportunities if you want to. There are various amazing learning vacations that you should be considering taking part in. Read on to learn about certain educational vacations that you can add to your bucket list. All of these vacation ideas are great and you just might decide to book one of them soon.
Attending Space Camp in Huntsville, AL
If you want to learn about space, then spending some time in Huntsville, AL is going to make sense. Huntsville is the place where Wernher Von Braun and the rest of the early pioneers of rocket technology started the American space program. Today, it’s possible to learn about the history of the space program while going on a simulation of a real NASA mission. This is a vacation that will offer you a weekend-long experience and it’s perfect for families.
Going Dinosaur Digging in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Calgary, Alberta, Canada is famous for many things and fossil hunting is one of the coolest. You can book a fossil-hunting vacation for the entire family if you want to. You can go on a four-day fossil hunting tour with real scientists and you’ll be able to learn a lot during this time. It’s an educational experience that is also very hands-on.
Glassworking in Venice, Italy
Venice has many famous glassworkers and you can learn about the art of glassworking by signing up for this vacation. It allows you to learn how to do glassworking starting with the basics. If you’d like to pick up a new skill, then this vacation idea just might be perfect for you. It’s a compelling experience and there are even shorter glassworking classes for the kids to enjoy.
Going on an Archaeological Dig in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham, UK
There are many ruins and archaeological dig sites in the UK. You’ll be able to find Viking relics, Roman ruins, and Anglo-Saxon remains in various parts of the UK. It’s actually possible to book an entire vacation that centers around going on archaeological digs. You can attend a week-long excavation training program and you’ll learn a ton about what archaeology is all about.